Colossians 1:23

if indeed you remain in the faith, established and firm, without shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard. This gospel has also been preached in all creation under heaven, and I, Paul, have become its servant.

You are not just called to come into faith in Jesus; you are called to remain in the faith. That is what it means to endure to the end (Matthew 24:13).

Jesus already said that the sowing of the word can produce four different results. The word can come to all, but only some bear fruit.

This does not mean we have a one in four chance of the word bearing fruit; rather, it represents the four possible outcomes (Mark 4:3-20).

We understand that the lack of response or effect does not impugn the power of the word.

It is not enough for the word to be true or right; one person may receive it and bear fruit (resulting in a changed life), while another won't.

There is only one kind of good response to the word, but there are various kinds of poor responses. (Luke 8:1-15). 1. They hear the word but do not believe because the devil takes it away from their hearts. 2. They hear the word, believe it, and during a time of testing, fall away because of persecution. 3. They hear the word but have other priorities in their lives that do not allow the word to take enduring root.

In the focus verse, Paul raises the issue of remaining in the faith, emphasizing that it is not only important to start but also to finish in the faith.

Christianity, therefore, is not something you try on to see if it fits while considering other options. Jesus said that anyone who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom (Luke 9:62). If you don't see the value of committing your whole life to the kingdom, you may just be playing games. And there is no room for people playing games. The forceful people lay hold of it (Matthew 11:12).

Remain; Established and Firm; Without Shifting

Paul emphasized the importance of remaining in the faith. He elaborates on what this means by using the words "established" and "firm," and he reinforces it by adding "without shifting."

To remain means you are not considering any other option. To be established means you immerse yourself in it; firm means you are ready to defend your position against any opposition; without shifting means you are prepared to die for what you believe. Each word intensified the previous word.

Elsewhere, he encouraged the people to stand firm, stating that we must enter the kingdom of God through many persecutions (Acts 14:22).

Jesus also said that whoever denies him before men, he will deny before his Father in heaven (Matthew 10:33). These are not just words to embellish the Bible; they represent the truth, and they are important truths.

Servant of the Gospel

Paul said that he has been a servant of the gospel. That is an interesting label, as it reveals the level of focus Paul has on the gospel.

To be a servant of something means it controls you; it becomes what defines you. Paul told another church, "I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:2). That is the gospel: the reality and the implications of crucified Christ.

There are a thousand tangents we can veer off from the gospel, various things and ideas we can become servants of.

In another place, the Bible says that some people's god is their belly (Philippians 3:19). Others serve money, and it's sad (Titus 1:11). They use the scriptures, twisted of course, as they serve money (Luke 16:13).

Everywhere you look, people are selling the gospel as a means of gain. Everyone claims they are servants of Christ, preachers of the word, and Bible teachers. But where are the true servants of the gospel, rather than preachers of self-help or how to succeed in life?

Paul said the gospel has been preached to all creation under heaven, but we are now hundreds of years removed from that time. Can we still say that it is the gospel that has been preached to all creation, or is it something else?

Paul mentioned that it is possible for some people to preach themselves (2 Corinthians 4:5-7). Perhaps that and other non-gospel topics are what we encounter now, and we may not be as close to the comprehensive spread of the gospel as we imagine.

Here is a list of what people can be servants of, rather than the gospel:

  • Servants of earning your approval from God by your works. This is dangerous.

  • Servants of turning the gospel into a means of gain (1 Timothy 6:5). This is extremely subtle.

  • Servants of turning the grace of God into self-indulgence (1 Timothy 1:19, Jude). This is damaging.

The gospel is centered on one man (Christ) and what He has done to bridge the gap between us and God.

Of course, this is easier said than done. There is a temptation to go with the flow, not to buck the trend, to follow, as the Bible says, the multitude to do evil (Exodus 23:2), and to want to be liked.

However, Paul said his focus on the gospel meant he was persecuted for not trying to mix the gospel with a nod to Judaism (Galatians 5:11). Unfortunately, some are mixing the gospel with thoughts of earthly things (material things) (Philippians 3:19).


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